Employment through EGS
We found that unemployment was crucial problem of this area with this basic need
of the people we had organized the landless labourers and award them to have benefit of the Employment Guarantee Scheme, Number
of people have got benefited through this Our programmes.
Campaign Against Child Labour
While working with landless labourer we come across the problem as child labour and realized the
intensity of the problem. In this regard awareness campaign have been going on against child labour system for the last 10
years. And started 60 non-formal education centers in 60 villages which are successfully benefited near about 2000 children
and have been able to integrate about 700-800 child labourers back into schools over the last 10 years. For the last 8 years,
PIRD is taking various innovative steps for prevention and eradication of child labour. The organisation has arranged different
programmes like non-formal education, Bridge course camp, Campaign for educational awareness, educational centre at village
level and overall social awareness, etc. for child labours. PIRD Also Arranged Campaign on marathwada Regional level Number
of Two times.
Womens development Programme
The organization emphasized on development of the women and children and implemented
various socio economic development projects. Eight women groups have been motivated and six group actually got benefited under
DWCRA scheme of Central Govt. Creches, Balwadi and Creche programme have also been runed by orgnisation. Awareness campaign
for women on social justice in the society is continuously the health aspect of women . Women co-operative society gets registered
for creating employment through cottage industry. Counseling center for destitute women is also being run. Two credit co-operative
societies have been established for small marginal former. 43 members are actively involved in these societies.
Water resources for drinking & irrigation purpose :
During the past four years PIRD under took a project Multi Dimensional Development
porgramme in 51 villages of Latur & Parbhani districts. The stress was mainly on the upliftment of women & marginal
farmers. Under this programme 55 wells were dug up and another 39 existing well were deeped with their active participation,
this helped solve the drinking water problem of 900 families from 20 villages. These 94 wells (55+39) helped 302 marginal
farmers to bring there 300 area land under irrigation.
In these villages 45 womens SHGs were formed. The total membership of these SHGs
was 407 women. The main objective of these SHGs was to help the most underprivileged and destitude women. These women (252
in number) were assisted in the range of Rs. 2000.00 to 5000.00 under "Income generating programme.
NRM / Watershed Development Programme
PIRD took up a project on watershed Development to combat drought in Latur district.
.As a matter of fact PIRD involved itself in the watershed development works way back in the year 1993 .With the help of AFPRO
& Misserior PIRD took up village SORAGA as its first ever project on watershed development and completed works in the
targeted 200 ha. Encouraged by the results we took up work for another 706 ha.(1998-2002) at KEKATSINDGI village ,this time
with AFPRO and SDC. This project has been completed within the stipulated period for the targeted area.
During our programme under Mddp project "Campaign against childlabour" we came
in contact with Narwatwadi village in June 1999.During the discussion on the captioned subject it was strongly felt that the
problem of child labour is also linked with the under development of agriculture and declining ecological balance of this
area.Hence we felt that the project like "watershed development"will be a big boost to arrest the increasing ecological imbalance
of this area. Subsequently the villagers and Pird held repeated discussion to understand the intensity of the problem and
the way to overcome this. Ultimately we unanimously agreed to take up IGWDP project for the upliftment of the area.
Rehabilitation of destitute women in EQ Area
Since the devastating earthquake in the year 1993 PIRD is working in this area
too with the main objective of rehabilitation of affected families eradication of child labour and help the socio economically
backward women . Total 18 SHG destitute were formed in the region PIRD took up the matter of rehabilitation of destitute.
The Govt. had allotted houses to other affected families but these women were denied their just right to own house. PIRD took
up this issue and fought tooth & nail with the govt. and successfully gave them the justice by which about 800 women would
be allotted plots for their residential purpose. This was an historical decision in the matter of rehabilitation of earthquake
affected people.