(Implemented during the year 1999-2002)
Social and Economic Results Of Project
Programme - 1
Water Resource Development
To Dug 40 new wells and deep. 32 old wells.
Action Programmes
55 new wells were dug.
49 old wells were deep.
For digging new wells, on an average, 4 farmers were involved. For deepening old wells, on average 3 farmers were involved.
Preference was given for (providing) drinking water.
Training programmes were held for increasing crop yield.
Beneficiaries of this programme fitted, by their own efforts, engines/ motors on 76 wells.
Farmers organisations were not established at the village level. In the initial stages an attempt was made to select the
beneficiaries through the Gram Sabhas. The selection process was taking a long time and the target dates could not have been
met. Hence, the selection process through the Gram Sabha was kept in abeyance.
224 farmers joined the programme for digging new wells.
113 farmers joined the programme for deepening old wells.
58.62 hectares of land belonging to 224 farmers of new wells Programme, and 50.76 hectares of land belonging to 113 farmers
of old wells Programme, came under irrigation, 5 hectares of land received water through out the year.
Income from Irrigation :
A. Ahmedpur Site
The monetary gain was Rs. 5,95,395/- for the 171 farmers of new wells Programme and Rs.3,81,870 for 79 farmers
of the old wells Programme in the period of three years.
B. Palam Site
The monetary gain was Rs. 1,15,395/- for the 87 farmers of new & Old wells Programme in the period of
Two years.
Total Additional
Income (A+B) = 9,93,065.00
From both the programmes (new and old wells) 540 Families from 18 Villages got drinking water.
Because of irrigation development, the living standards of the beneficiaries improved.
Due to the water resource development programme, employment opportunities for 31,905 man-days were created.
- It was visualised that the selection of beneficiaries would be done by farmers organisations at the village level. However,
on this issue there was considerable difference of opinion and argument in the Gram Sabha. Due to this and the approaching
dead line, as also for some technical reasons, the selection was done under the "Peoples Institute of Rural Development.'.
- 2
Kitchen Gardens
Action Programmes
1. Under the kitchen Garden Programme, 275 women were provided with vegetable seeds and 800 fruit saplings.
1. Because of this programme 275 women could get vegetables at their doorstep. They will also, in due course,
get fruits from the saplings planted. However, this programme could not be run regularly.
Programme - 3
Economic Development Programme
A) Funding for women
Action Programmes
a) Funds for women.
1) For improving the economic status of women and develop their potential, 54 Savings Groups in 31 villages
were started. Out of these, 8 were outside the project area and 9 broke up.
b) Business opportunities for women,
1) Women of the Savings Groups got an opportunity for setting up business. The Savings Groups were used as
a base (nodal points) to give loans to women so that they could generate more income and become self-sufficient. Altogether
Rs. 9,92,000 were disbursed as loan to 252 women.
2) Workshops for women. Women wishing to set up business were given entrepreneurship training in 2 workshops.
They were also given information about different business areas.
(1) Due to Saving Groups, the practice of taking loans from moneylenders was restricted.
(2) Women are turning to Savings Groups to meet their urgent needs.
(3) A saving is making women more self-reliant.
(4) Under the economic development programme, the additional income of women increased by Rs. 4,94,150/-
and their standard of living improved.
(5) Because women joined the Savings Groups and got additional means of income, their participation in the
social decision making process became more effective.
(6) Due to different workshops on information dissemination, farmers, farm workers and women came to know
about various programmes and their self-confidence increased.
. Programme - 4
B) Informative Workshop and Seminars.
Action Programmes
Workshops and meetings were organised to give women information about various Govt. Programmes for women,
farm workers and small farmers, as also to generate awareness in them. Workshops were organised to cover the following: Training
of workers (4); Literacy day programmes (3); organisational training (4); awareness generation for beneficiaries of Well Programme
(4); Smokeless churlish awareness (5) Meeting (to discuss) cruel treatment meted out to women (6) workshop for abandoned/deserted
women, widows (7) etc.
7) Under the Womens Fund Programme, 35 deserted women, 36 is widows and 191 women from the economically weaker
section, were helped in raising finance for setting up industry/business.
8) From the women who participated in the programme, 129 took up dairy work, 106 started sheep farming, 6
obtained sewing machines, and 2 stared production of chilly powder and bangle making & Other 6
- 5
Programmes for Women
Mahila mandals/Saving Groups.
Legal Aid for Women
Action Programmes
(1) In the initial stages 28 Mahila Mandals were established at the village level. However, these Mandals
were getting confused about the working of the Savings Groups. Moreover, the Mahila Mandals was not keen to arrange programmes
by themselves. Hence, programmes for women were arranged through the Saving Groups.
(2) To unable deserted/abandoned women to fight for justice, information about their legal rights was given
to them at workshops, seminars and meetings. In addition the Sanstha (Gramin Vikas Lok Sanstha, Ahmadpur) helped 12 women
to file their cases at. Ahmedpur Site & 187 at Palam Site
(1) The most important result of farming the Saving Groups was to get the women, who had never before gone
out of their homes, to come together on a common platform.
(2) The savings group women started meeting once a month to discuss loan and repayment (procedures), the
accounting of Savings Groups funds and other such matters.
(3) Through the medium of savings groups, women started to take interest in village level problems and, at
times, helped to solve them.
(4) Women participating in Savings Group work, or leading the Savings Group movement, improved their
family and social status. They became capable of meeting, on their own, members of the Panchayat Samiti, social workers and
bank officials.
(5) Due to the legal aid programme, women received help and were able to obtain justice and re-build their
family life.
(6) Through legal Aid 152 Women back to their husband & settled their family life.
(7) Through our concealing centre in 56 Deserted women got 15,95,500/- amount as compensation by their husband
also 13 deserted women got 15.6 ha. Land from their husband.
Programme - 6
Organising Farm Workers
Action Programmes
(1) To deal with farm workers employment and legal rights, meetings, agitation rallies etc. were held from
time to time both at the village and taluka level.
(2) To deal with village level problems and support the anti-globalisation lobby, meetings, conferences and
gatherings were organised.
(1) Constant awareness was created about the problems of farm workers and they were brought into focus on
a statewide grid. In addition, at the local level, it helped farm workers in getting employment and drinking water.
- 7
Programmes for Children
Eradication of child Labour
Action Programmes
(1) In 46 villages out of 51, educational awareness programmes of 3 to 5 days duration were held to eradicate
child labour. During the period 1999-2002 , 4 such workshops were held.
(2) During the Diwali Holidays workshops to re-capitulate information (education awareness) were also held.
These were run for 1 or 2 days. In both these workshop children, parents, women, youth and others attended. Efforts were made
to get better support from Gram Shikshan Samitis (Village Education Committee) and Gram Panchayats.
(3) During the duration of the project training sessions were held for village education officials.
(4) At the village level an attempt was made to bring schools, teachers, village education officers and parents
(5) To promote eradication of child labour meetings and gatherings were held at the village level.
(6) Under the project, workshops and camps to create awareness about education were held, for child labourers
and school children.
(1) Due to the programmes held for eradicating child labour, the people of 24 villages are now aware of this
serious issue.
(2) However, we cannot say that the programme has succeeded in establishing Gram Shikshan Samitis (Village
Education Committees)
(3) The incidence of child labour in the area under the project has declined.
(4) Ahmedpur Site
Before the start of the programme, there were 537
(Boys = 285 + Girls= 252) child labourers, now this figure is 274. Out of these 100 boys and 77 girls have entered school.
(5) Four years ago, in the area under the project, there were 24 (All Boys) child labourers working on yearly
contracts. As bonded labour. Now there is only one such case.
(6) In 10 villages under the project Literacy/study camps were held for school going child labourers. This
resulted in their getting attracted towards education. Also, the school drop out rate has gone down.
Programme - 8
School Admission
Action Programmes
(1) In every school a programnme was run every year to ensure a 100% admission rate for children in the age
group 5 7 years.
(2) Every year children who were released from labour (employment) were helped to get re-admitted in school.
(1) The project has helped in smooth running of schools.
(2) The number of children seeking admissions has increased.
(3) The dropout rate has been reduced. 177
(Boys = 100 + Girls = 77)child labourers from 24 villages, have been brought into the main stream of education
And schooling. For these purpose meetings, camps and other programmes were organised from time to time.
Programme - 9
Education Centres
Action Programmes
1. Education centres were run in 15 villages in the Project Area. At Ahmedpur site.
(1) 175 boys and girls from 5 villages took advantage of these programmes every year. In the period of 1999-2000,
375 children benefited from these education centres. (only at Ahmedpur Site)